The Seductive Power Of Kissing

Kissing is so very simple but it is also the key to a good seduction

So you want to re-seduce your partner. That’s a good plan. Now just exactly how are you going to go about doing that? If money was no object, then you could fly them some place fantastic for a wonderful dinner and the have them fall into your arms thanking you for the best night of … Read more

What To Do When Sex Becomes Boring

Don't let your sex ever become boring – take action!

So shall we talk about your sex life? I don’t mean to get to personal, but how is it going? Lots of us can think back to when our relationship with our partner was new and we have very pleasant memories of having sex with them – the first time, the first time that we … Read more

Power Can Be Sexy In A Relationship

Who Is In Charge Can Be A Real Turn-On

When I think about sex, I think about things like cuddling, kissing, stroking and the intertwining of body parts. There always seems to be a soft light glowing on the scene that I’m picturing and pleasant music playing in the background. This is what sex is to me. However, I’m willing to admit that perhaps … Read more